Halloween Full Moon


On Halloween, October 31st at 7:49 am PST we have a Full Moon in Taurus at 9 degrees. This Full Moon calls for deep inner transformation.
The Sun in Scorpio illuminates our deep knowing, and all of our dark hidden parts. Asking us to integrate all of which might remain in our unconscious and wants to be seen.
The Moon in Taurus is conjoined by the planet Uranus, the awakener. This Uranian electric pulse brings up emotions of abrupt change, igniting the maverick in us. Uranus says that by breaking down, we break THROUGH. This energy is here to help us redefine our values and break out of our limitations.
Mercury in Libra is making us think about the balance and harmony needed in our governmental structures. Asking us to restructure from a place of justice.
We always have a choice as to which frequency we want to channel from, higher or lower frequencies. If we chose to come from the lower level of scorpio, we can come from a place of aggression and resentment. However, if we choice to embody Scorpio’s higher frequency from the Phoenix we can come from a place of transformation with a bird’s eye view perspective.
May you embody the Taurus mantra during this Hallows’ eve: “I see and when the eye is opened, all is illuminated” ✨

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Amy Patsalides