Astrology Sessions

These sessions are intimate, inquisitive, and guided. Our goal isn’t to solve a specific problem or reveal where you’ll be in 5 years. It is an opportunity to spend dedicated time delving into how you were shaped by universal energy, how that has been expressed throughout your life, and what tools you have to connect to your core self.

Please ensure you choose the correct session, depending on whether you’re a first-time or returning client. You can see more information below.



First Time Clients

If it’s your first session with Bruna, please book a Natal Chart Session below. This is an essential entry point to exploring your astrological world as it sets the foundations for continuing with other types of sessions.


Natal Chart Session (60 minutes) - $250

A deep dive into your natal chart allows you to discover the divine energy present at the exact moment you were born. In this session, I will share your personal natal chart and walk you through the unique characteristics that have influenced your desires, challenges, and natural talents. This is the perfect introduction to astrology.

Baby Chart Session (45 minutes) - $150

Discover your Baby’s Natal Chart and unique characteristics. In this session, we’ll explore the baby’s personality traits and soul path. This session is a wonderful way for caregivers/parents to understand the many ways in which they can support their baby on their journey.




Returning Clients

Following your first Natal Chart Reading, you can continue to explore your path with Bruna’s other offerings.

*Please note, you cannot book these sessions before having a Natal Chart Session

The Year Ahead Session (60 minutes) - $180

Start your year by gaining a deeper understanding of the planetary transits ahead, and how this will be impacting your life. This is the perfect reading for the beginning of a new cycle, and incorporating a new perspective on how to best align yourself with the energy of the year.

Must have completed an initial Natal Chart reading with Bruna before scheduling this session.

Solar Return Chart Session (60 minutes) - $180

Explore what energies are present for your upcoming year. We’ll take a look at your Solar Return Chart, the current planetary transits, and your Secondary Progression Chart. You’ll gain a clearer understanding of the major themes for the year ahead.

Must have completed an initial Natal Chart reading with Bruna before scheduling this session.

Synastry Session (90 minutes) - $280

Together, we'll get to explore the relationship between two individuals through their Natal Charts and how their energies work together.

To better understand how two souls interact, this session includes analyzing the following Astrological charts:

  • 2 Natal Charts

  • 2 Synastry Charts

  • 2 Transits Charts

  • 1 Composite Midpoint Chart

This session is great for couples, business partners, and parents/children who are curious to explore their dynamic, and how they can better relate with each other.

Solar Journey (4 sessions) - $640

4-session Astrological exploration, 1 reading for every season. Solar Journeys provide a more comprehensive, consistent, and paced way to dive into your chart throughout the year and follow your soul’s path. These sessions allow for more time and space to absorb your Natal chart energies and follow the cosmos’ guidance.

Throughout the year, there are 4 important Solar phases that ignite growth and deeper self-awareness. These 4 phases are calculated based on the rotation of the Sun, and how it communicates with your Natal Sun. The 4 Phases:

  • Your Birthday (Solar Return)

  • 3 months after your Birthday (Solar Square)

  • 6 months after your Birthday (Solar Opposition)

  • 3 months before your upcoming Birthday (Solar Square)

Not exactly sure what astrology session to book?

Feel free to contact me, and I’ll help guide you to the perfect session.



Looking for the perfect gift?

gift your loved one an Astrology Session

Gift an Astrology Session - Natal Chart
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Gift an Astrology Session - Natal Chart

Interested in gifting an astrological exploration to someone special in your life? You can purchase a 60-minute session for a loved one. Physical and online gift cards are available.

The gift card contains instructions on how the recipient can book their Natal Chart reading.

Please be mindful if the gift receiver is open to astrological perspectives.

Gift an Astrology Session - Returning Clients

Interested in gifting an astrological exploration to someone special in your life or yourself? You can purchase a Year Ahead Session, . Physical and online gift cards are available.

The gift card contains instructions on how the recipient can book their Natal Chart reading.

Please be mindful if the gift receiver is open to astrological perspectives.